
By D.C. Klein

Circle my ancient heart.

Eat the part of me I locked away.

Above harsh waves, flapping and

feathering I struggled under pelting rain

for some sort of shore. Bird of prey

no longer I sobbed into hands

once talons. All of this for a story

and it wasn’t even mine.

D.C. Klein is a small-time poet living in the Pacific Northwest. In his work he often explores the point where domesticity and brutality meet, and what it means to live in a burning house. His writing has been published by, or is forthcoming with: Counterclock, Body Fluids, Not My Style, and the Salmon Creek Journal. In 2021 he self-published a chapbook titled Half A Martyr. He is currently reading Naked Lunch. 


Feeding Time | Rasha Abdulhadi