
By Anthony Warnke & Jeanne Morel 

Is consistency all around easier than consistency in one area? For instance, if I'm being funny until 8:30, why not until 9 or 10? Three uses of baking soda in one day doesn’t mean it was a bad day. What I'm saying is: treat, blast, west, x. First the reader board went dead and now the building’s in flames. 15 cc’s at 2 o’clock and then again at 3. How many drops of liquid in a cc? Another siren coming.

Anthony Warnke's poetry has appeared in Cimarron Review, North American Review, Salt Hill, Sentence, Sixth Finch, and Sugar House Review, among other journals. His chapbook "Super Worth It" was selected for the 2021 Emerging Poet Series from Newfound Press. 

Jeanne Morel is the author of the chapbooks, “I See My Way to Some Partial Results” (Ravenna Press); “Jackpot” (Bottlecap Press); and “That Crossing Is Not Automatic” (Tarpaulin Sky Press). She has been nominated for a Pushcart in both poetry and fiction. Her recent poems have appeared in Black Sunflowers, Fugue, the Inflectionist Review, and Great Weather for MEDIA.


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